SaaS which increases the efficiency & efficacy of online advertising campaigns, while enabling more granular attribution and conversion tracking
The client is a SaaS company attached to a digital advertising agency which specialises in student acquisition campaigns for universities and higher education institutions.
The agency has been building and operating a substantial in-house SaaS with their client-base, and decided to spin it out as an independent product and company with the objective of servicing institutions & organisations who work with other agencies. The SaaS enables institutions to dramatically improve the efficiency and efficacy of their enrolment/admissions advertising and marketing campaigns.
Turning this into a standalone proposition presented several challenges, including:
How to bundle and package the in-house SaaS features into a standalone proposition
How to segment customers in a market which includes unusually wide variations in customer requirements
How to price the proposition
Highlights of the engagement included:
Defined how some of the existing SaaS functionality should be split into three functional standalone bundles, based on user requirements
Defined pricing for each bundle, and how that pricing should work with a value metric
Defined customer segmentation around functionality and a value metric
Defined additional billable services
Planned and implemented an extensive customer development program
Planned and undertook an internal stakeholder interview program
Identified common high value underserved requirements amongst institutions
Identified planned functionality with a low willingness to pay among institutions, enabling it to be deprioritised from further product development
Recommended making a major piece of existing functionality free, as a strategy to commoditise the product’s complement.
Identified existing functionality which would be unhelpful to adapt to a standalone proposition
Identified key risks from offering the product as a standalone proposition.
Proposed potential mitigations to the risks